Orthogonal approximate message passing for signal estimation with rotationally-invariant models
发布时间:2023-11-16        浏览次数:10


地点:交叉二号楼 B2005 


摘要:Approximate message passing (AMP) algorithms are low-cost iterative algorithms for solving high-dimensional linear regression problems. With independent Gaussian measurements, the performance of AMP can be described by a state evolution recursion in the proportional asymptotic regime. In this talk, we will discuss a variant of AMP based on divergence-free nonlinearities. This algorithm, which we call orthogonal AMP, admits simple state evolution characterization for general rotationally-invariant models, without the need of complicated Onsager correction terms tailored to the matrix spectrum. The simple state evolution structure makes it an appealing template for designing efficient and analyzable algorithms for various signal estimation problems, as we will briefly mention in this talk.  


地址:上海市淞沪路2005号复旦大学交叉二号楼B6001室 200438

电话:021-31242602  Email:cse@fudan.edu.cn

版权所有: 环球GU【中国】科技有限公司
